27J Foundation Annual Golf Tournament Sponsorship
Summary and Background Information: This sponsorship will provide a foursome for 27J staff members to participate in the tournament. The 27J Education Foundation hosts it's annual golf tournament on Monday, September 30, 2024, at Coyote Creek Golf Course. Proceeds from the tournament benefit student scholarship and teacher grant programs.
Sponsorship features -
Logo featured in all event material
Headliner on all signage
Verbal recognition at lunch
Foursome in tournament (to be given to 27J staff per the request of Councilmember Dukes)
Door prize raffle entries (4)
Featured on check-in banner
Councilmember Responsible: Charles Dukes
Co-Sponsor: Sean Ford
Financial Impact: 1,500.00 - Platinum Sponsor
Funding Source: Non-Agency Grant Program Golf Tournaments
Current Balance: $10,150.00