PRG Master Plan Implementation Update
Summary and Background Information:
Presentation to update Council on PRG Master Plan implementation progress.
The PRG Master Plan was adopted on July 15, 2024. It is a 7-10+ plan for Parks, Recreation and Golf. The presentation will review the Master Plan themes and the recommendations PRG is currently implementing, as well as how PRG is developing an action plan to continue advancing the plan's recommendations. The presentation will include an overview of the future Buckley Community Park concept schematic.
PRG Master Plan: https://www.c3gov.com/home/showpublisheddocument/22640/638578550015070000
Staff Responsible (Department Head): Chad Redin, Director of Parks, Recreation and Golf
Staff Member Presenting: Kathy LeVeque & Lisa Nordholt
Financial Impact:
Funding Source:
Staff Recommendation:
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