Private Golf Cart Use Discussion
Summary and Background Information:
On September 17, 2024, the PRG Advisory Committee discussed private golf cart use at Buffalo Run Golf Course and voted 7-1 to prohibit private carts at the course. Following this, on October 14, 2024, City Council voted 8-1 directing staff to study the issue further. Currently, privately owned golf carts are not allowed at Buffalo Run.
Staff reviewed 24 public golf courses in the Denver metro area, finding that only one allowed private golf carts. Liability concerns and potential revenue loss were the most common reasons for prohibiting them. Allowing private carts could offer convenience for residents, cost savings for frequent golfers, reduced wear on the rental fleet, and customization options. However, it raises liability concerns, safety risks, potential course damage, and could result in lost rental revenue. Although City insurance premiums would be unlikely to increase if private carts were allowed, there are concerns about defending lawsuits if accidents occur involving private carts. City Risk Management recommends allowing only City-maintained carts at Buffalo Run.
If private carts were permitted, comprehensive regulations would need to be developed to address liability and financial impacts. Regulations would need to include restricting use to within one mile of Buffalo Run, setting standards for safety and maintenance, requiring regular inspections, mandating valid insurance, and implementing a trail fee to offset revenue losses. Staff seeks Council’s input on how to proceed with private golf cart use at Buffalo Run.
Staff Responsible (Department Head): Chad Redin, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Golf
Staff Member Presenting: Alex Van Zante, Policy Analyst II
Financial Impact: N/A
Funding Source: N/A
Staff Recommendation: N/A
Suggested Motion: N/A