Adams Tower Fifth Floor Direction
Summary and Background Information:
The agenda item is a presentation regarding the future use of the fifth floor of the Adams Tower Building. The City purchased the floor and has been working to make physical improvements and to find possible tenants to occupy the space. There is an existing contract for renovation, but no tenants have been identified. Because of the length of time that has already lapsed for this project and because of the method of solicitation for tenants that was previously used, staff believes that a new Request for Proposals (RFP) should be issued, renovation efforts paused until tenants are selected and enhanced coordination with current building tenants occurs.
Staff proposes to immediately issue an RFP but to also directly solicit potential non-profit tenants.
Staff Responsible (Department Head): Jim Tolbert; Assistant City Manager
Staff Member Presenting: Jim Tolbert; Assistant City Manager
Financial Impact: N/A
Funding Source: N/A
Staff Recommendation: N/A
Suggested Motion: Motion to direct staff to immediately issue an updated RFP while also directly soliciting potential non-profit tenants.