Summary and Background Information:
The Commerce City Charter, Section 11.1, gives the City Council the power to create boards and commissions and the authority to appoint the members of the boards and commissions. Advisory boards and commissions are created by motion or Resolution and all others are created by Ordinance. Most of the boards and commissions are codified in the Commerce City Revised Municipal Code Chapter 2 Article III. The Code provides for member qualifications, term limits, and duties and powers afforded to them by the City Council.
City Council has adopted Council Policy #CP-2, which established the Boards and Commissions Committee of the City Council ("The Committee"). The Committee is responsible for reviewing applications, interviewing applicants, and making recommendations for appointment by the full City Council in compliance with Charter. Council Policy #CP-3 sets the guidelines for appointment, reappointment, and qualifications of members in addition to the Code.
The Community Relations division, together with the City Clerkâs office, conducts a quarterly advertising campaign to solicit interest and applications to the city's boards and commissions. Following that campaign, and after review of all application materials by the Committee, the Committee has made recommendations to the full City Council to appoint persons to the designated boards and commissions. In adopting the recommendations, the City Council is also choosing not to appoint or reappoint applicants to certain boards or commissions. Despite the appointments being made by this resolution, vacancies among certain boards and commissions are being created or will continue.
Staff Responsible (Department Head): Dylan A. Gibson, City Clerk
Staff Member Presenting: Dylan A. Gibson, City Clerk
Financial Impact: N/A
Funding Source: N/A
Staff Recommendation: N/A
Suggested Mot...
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