Buffalo Highlands Park Issue
Summary and Background Information:
A Council member has requested a discussion of this issue at the study session. Staff assembled the 61-slide presentation to answer questions about the history and background that led to the current situation in Buffalo Highlands. The presentation is attached.
Attached are additional questions raised by a Council member following the presentation. The questions for Council are as follows:
i) is there a desire for further research and due diligence to address the questions raised,
ii) how much time does Council want staff to devote to the matter (current estimate is that it will take a minimum of two weeks of work), and
iii) if Council elects for more research, when to present to the matter for discussion at a future study session?
The current situation is that the developer and/or home builders are obligated to provide certain amount of private park area and are in compliance with that requirement. Additionally, staff has outlined steps in addressing future private park issues throughout the City and a process of discussing public parks within the general vicinity of Buffalo Highlands.
- January 2022 presentation
- Copy of the subsequent questions
Staff Responsible (Department Head): Roger Tinklenberg, City Manager
Staff Member Presenting: Roger Tinklenberg, City Manager
Financial Impact: N/A
Funding Source: N/A
Staff Recommendation: Provide guidance to staff regarding conducting additional research.